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Late Night Thoughts (Short)

I've been on the move and I am finally settling down into my bath of words. I don't even know where I want to start. Things seem to be going smooth and these last few days kind of shined a light in my eyes.

People are always coming and going in life.Unfortunately, when we are being shown a shred of consistency we fail to realize that that shred could be stolen from us at anytime. There is never a guarantee that we have found what we have been looking for in someone else. It can suck because you can put your all into someone and then they just decide that whatever you have to give isn't good enough anymore.

It seems like my lovely generation runs in the direction of convenience. No one seems to weigh out the consequences any more. They just do what they think works for them and if it doesn't they just run away to start over and do it all over again. If they are lucky they make changes and things pull in their favor. For those who aren't too lucky they seem to find themselves in a never ending loop of struggle.

The sense of self and balance seem not to matter at all for some. Is that why we just find ourselves going with the flow? What if that flow accidentally drowns us out? I find that some people are doing things for others they aren't even doing for themselves...We will save that one for tomorrow loves...

Take My Word....xoxo


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