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So forgive me for not posting the last days I have been crunched for time. While I am here eating my snack I couldn't help but to think this snack was not going to be enough. I am trying to drop some pounds and I know for a fact I am going to want more. THEN I started to think that there were other things in my life that are not enough!

I want so much out of life yet, I wanna take things slow. Is that such a bad thing? Am I contradicting myself? Am I confused? What in the actual hell. SO I started to dig a little deeper to see where that idea might be stemming from. My life is totally different than what I planned it to be. Which is fine I would say I am pretty happy with where I am considering the circumstances in all. I am sure it could be worse. People always tell me that I should write a book. That will not be happening so you can consider this it.

After digging a little deeper I found that I just wanna have the results of all the work I have put in. You know? Like skip the whole ups and downs getting straight to rewardsville. Roll your eyes if you want to ,but I am sure you have all thought about it too! It's kind of like thinking "Oh! Let's skip college and get right to the degree!" Although we often fail to realize that you actually need college to get to the degree. Only to find that you did all that hard work and you're not able to get a job in the field because you need to have 10 years of experience. Sucks right?

I know what my ultimate goal is. I actually have multiple paths I would like to pursue and the crazy thing is I actually tried to go to college for one of them and got pissed because my impatient ass did not wanna go through classes I felt were not needed. Looking back I would definitely tell younger me "Hey, bitch chill you do need this class".

My thought of not being full stems from my impatience. I want things done right and I want them done right now. That is not how it always works. I am learning to be a little more careful and thoughtful when I go into things. People are always pushing to get the results they want ,but don't always think of the work that has to go into it. You have to kind of take this with a grain of salt. You can put out all the work, but how great is it? If I do 15 blog posts and you only like 5 of them then what is the point of it? It's the quality of your work and efforts that is going to get you those amazing results you want. Though sometimes there will be some gray areas, just make sure it is work that you aren't going to be embarrassed to put your name on.

Back to my snack... am I full? No. Will I be okay? Yes. It was a good and healthy snack that will help me stay below my calorie count so I can lose the weight I want to lose. I can't have a bunch of bad snacks through out the day and hope to keep the weight away!

Take My Word...xoxo


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